The Estonian radio Sky Plus asked his visitors which Estonian musician has the more beautiful face this week.
You have the choice between our Vanilla Ninja girl Piret Järvis with her magical and deep blue eyes who has been chosen to Estonia's Sexiest Woman 2006 or Laura Kõrgemäe.
At the moment Piret (51%, 116 votes) is narrowly behind Laura (51%, 122 votes).
We suggest you to vote for Piret:Visit Sky Plus' site scroll down, click Piret and press saada [engl.: send].
Recently the Vanilla Ninja girl Lenna Kuurmaa has appeared in two ETV shows:
On January 18, 2012 she was Terevisioon[Engl.: Hellovision] Morning show's guest where she firstly performed her song "Mina Jään" [Engl.: I stay] and talked about her band, the coming Eesti Laul and of course her song.
Watch her performance and interview below:
Yesterday evening we could watch Lenna at the show Kahekõne [Engl.: Dialogue] where she gave an interview.
She caught four different topics in the in the show: Vanilla Ninja, her music and band, her film roles especiallz refered to her newest film Vuosaari [Engl.: Naked Harbour] and the Eesti Laul.
Lenna confirmed her band mate Katrin's message that the Vanilla Ninja members are all too busy at the moment to organize such a big event like a concert. Even though Lenna said something optimistic, the band might celebrate their 20-year anniversary. So Lenna doesn't write VN off. We as fans should do either. :)
About her band and her plans with the band Lenna said that she dreams to perform in foreign countries such as Germany where Vanilla Ninja's success was the biggest. We can interpret from this that Lenna misses the time when she performed elsewhere than in Estonia and we can assure her that her fans are waiting for her.
Maybe even this year her dream could be reality as she says to have some contacts in Germany.
Lenna has already performed on the stages of the Eurovision Song Contest (we remember Kiev in 2005 when Vanilla Ninja took the 8th place with Cool Vibes - then with Triinu Kivilaan - representing Switzerland) so the knows what's really going on. "I have experienced the Eurovision, I know what is going on there's a big party of show, tralalala and circus but at the same time it is groovy and and fun, so why not participating again? Apart from that I haven't represented Estonia yet. I want to do it now.", Lenna says.
Watch the whole interview here.
The Vanilla Ninja girl Lenna Kuurmaa who mainly works as one of Estonia's most popular and successful solo artists has already showed us that she is as well an excellent host. Last year in Febuary she was the host of the Eesti Laul together with her band mate Piret Järvis this year she will be the host of the Estonian Music Awards ( Eesti Muusikaauhinnad) together with her guitarist Mihkel Raud.
The EMAs also belong to one of those events which are unimagineable without the at least one of the Vanilla Ninja girls. Last year it has been shown how successful and popular Lenna is as she and her band have won four awards:
best female artist
best solo artist
best debutalbum
best song
Don't miss the show in the Nokia Concerthall on Febuary 2nd, 2012! You can get tickets on Piletileviand on Ticketprofor 15€-20€. If you are not able to attend then watch it on TV3.
Finally 2012 has come. The year we have all waited for so longing with lots of hopes and beliefs because it is the year of Vanilla Ninjas 10 year anniversary.
At the end of the passed year we informed you that the Lenna, Piret and Katrin have been planning two huge things to celebrate the band's anniversary together with their fans: a big concert in summer and a show with the videos of their fans.
Today a sad message reached us. The concert is cancelled as they Vanilla Ninja keyboardist Katrin wrote to the VN Portaal. She and her bandmates Piret and Lenna are too busy with their own projects so that they wouldn't manage to organize that event. Katrin herself writes that she is very sad about it. But she keeps being optimistic.
About the videos we can assure you that they will be used in a way! If not by the Ninja girls themselves then by the VN Portaal! DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT!
There is much more hope we can tell you about: The Love Ninjas crew is still giving its very best to make the fan-meeting in the girls hometown Tallinn in midsummer they've mentionned real. Apart from that us from Club Vanilla Ninja are looking forward to get more and more photos from you with Piret, Katrin and Lenna for the photoalbum for the girls.
Let's not give up on our beloved girls because of that. Let's stay true to them and be though enough together. They have always showed us that we are in their minds and hearts and with every released work they have prooved us their love.
Piret once explained in an interview with the FREE! magazine: "But you know, for ourselves we decided that we do not want to do the same thing right now. We need some change, but I think that after 3 or 5 years or so it would be nice to come back to the roots of the band."
All they have done was to please us.
When they talked about their band logo Piret said: "(...)It expresses all the things we went through, which other artists haven”t experienced. We started out from the very bottom and battled our way through to becoming famous and getting into the charts. It is like a crown for the text “Vanilla Ninja”.” and Lenna added: "(...)This part is also a sign for our music and for us being in the hearts of our fans.”
They have fought hard, very hard, we know that! And they haven't for sure fought to throw it all again one day. They will come back we just have to keep believing.
Today there are many people celebrating their birthdays. Among others the ex-Vanilla Ninja girl Maarja Meriste-Kivi and Lenna's new guitarist Mihkel Raud.
Mihkel Raud became 43 years old. We wish him all the best and congratulate him to his birthday!
We also wish Maarja all the best for her 26th birthday! Right on her day she published great news: One of the best remixers in the world Glen Nicholls made a remix of her song "Oh Yeah". We have been able to listen to it firstly as introducing song of Maarja's interview at Siin Me Oleme[Engl.: Here we are]. Now it is available all over the world on Amazon.
"It's an absolutely true story. It is true", confirms the drummer Kallervo Karu about the break up of his relationship with the musician and TV editor Piret Järvis as present solution. "We thought of taking a little break - so maybe in time our relationship would be renewed.", argues Kallervo who has been engaged with Piret since four years already. The Estonian newspaper Õhtuleht informs about the story at first.
One more sign that the story is true is that Kallervo changed his relationshipstatus on Facebook from 'engaged' to 'single'.
Even though the engagement hasn't broken up. Kallervo believes that they will as well keep the sign of their engagement, a tattoo in shape of a circle which Piret has at her neck and Kallervo at the inner side of his forearm. Even if the relationship is in a crisis they won't remove the tattoos: "We are not going to erase them. We leave and see what the times brings for us. Even if the ultimate decision will be negative I don't think that we will erase the tattoos. That's a good mind." At least it has been an important phase of their live.
No matter what happened both still keep their friendship. About two weeks ago they attended to the Aastahitt gala together and posed happily for the photographers. "Indeed we have had broken up a while before that but we decided to go there together.", Kallervo explains. "For five and a half years we have been together nonstop."
The wedding will be delayed
Let's remember about the beginning of Piret's and Kallervo's beautiful relationship.
They've met in the cold winter six years in December 2005 when Vanilla Ninja (then with Triinu) performed at the Saku arena where Slide-Fifty performed, too.
Two years later in 2007 they got engaged.
"Kalle asked me to meet him because of something very important. I thought that we go there without any big sense. Everything was so thouching, that I screamed and said "yes".", Piret remembers the very romantic moment. Kalle says it was very spontaneous: "To me there was a strong feeling. I had the thought that there was a good thing going on. I felt that I wanted to allow her - please I'm yours!"
They planned to marry abroad. "The wedding is designed in our taste. We're not that vain to have a big white marriage. We have many good friends with whom we would have a very happy celebration.", Kallervo finds. So the wedding will be delayed.
At the moment the two of them go different ways. Piret spends a lots of time with the disco- and rockband Shelton Stan singer and guitarist Valter Nõmme.
Thanks for Zuzia for informing us about the news! :)
As we informed you Lenna will participate in this year's Eesti Laul as contestant again to represent her native country Estonia in this year's Eurovision in Baku with some luck.
For this reason she and her new guitarist Mihkel Raud wrote and composed the song 'Mina Jään'[Engl.: I stay] which was firstly presented at the Von Krahl Theatre at the end of last year.
As Mihkel informed the fans on his Facebook page the band has travelled to the capital of Sweden Stockholm to record the song and to make a video to this song.
Now we are able to check both out below:
...and the lyrics:
hääled vaikusesse sumbunud
veri huultes külmast tardunud
kauaks lagled läinud rändama
kaugele nad lendavad
tuhat tähte alla langevad
su silmadesse kukuvad
mina jään
veel ootama su jälgi lumel
mina jään
veel seisma siia tormituulde
sosistama sinu nime
lendama su unes
helbed laugudele langevad
veena põskedele voolavad
lumepimeduses liblikad
käsivarsi riivavad
tuhat tähte alla langevad
su silmadesse kukuvad
mina jään
veel ootama su jälgi lumel
mina jään
veel seisma siia tormituulde
sosistama sinu nime
lendama su unes
tuultemered endaga
meid algusesse kannavad
mina jään
veel ootama su jälgi lumel
mina jään
veel seisma siia tormituulde
mina jään
veel ilmuma su peegelduses
sosistama sinu nime
The Estonian source Publik asked its readers which Estonian female celebrity is the pearl within all others.
Our youngest Vanilla Ninja girl Lenna has been chosen as number 5!
"Lenna Kuurmaa simply is an all in all lovely woman!", one reader detonates.
Lenna can't pass a person without meeting with her natural beauty and her beautiful smile.
Die estnische Quelle Publik fragte seine Leser, welche der estnischen weiblichen Prominenten die Perle unter allen Anderen sei.
Unser jüngstes Vanilla Ninja Girl, Lenna wurde zur Nummer 5 gewählt!
"Lenna Kuurmaa ist einfach eine alles in allem süße Frau!", beteuert ein Leser.
Lenna kann an keinem Menschen vorbeigehen ohne ihm ihre natürliche Schönheit und ihr hübsches lächeln entgegen zu bringen.
On Tuesday January 10th, 2012 the new member of the Pealnägija [Engl.: Eyewitness] reporters Piret Järvis was to see at the Estonian talk show Ringvaade[Engl.: News wheel].
She is a well seen guest at the show as she has attended there twice last year.
This time the Vanilla Ninja girl who is known for her healthy life-style has been asked about her attitude towards junk-food to what she answered that she sometimes goes to the fast-food restaurant Hessburger although she never only has healthy food on her table at home. "You can't allow to eat junk-food every day!", she says.
Many thanks to Bigproblem for having uploaded it. :)
Am Dienstag dem 10. Januar 2012 war das neue Mitglied der Pealtnägija [Dt.: Augenzeuge] Reporter Piret Järvis in der Estnischen Talkshow Ringvaade [Dt.: Neuigkeiten-Rad] zu sehen.
Sie ist ein gern gesehener Gast in der Sendung da sie letztes Jahr zweimal in der Sendung antrat.
Dieses Mal wurde das Vanilla Ninja Girl, das für ihren Gesunden Lebensstil bekannt ist, nach ihrer Einstellung zu Fast-Food gefragt woraufhin sie antwortete, dass sie zwar manchmal im Fast-Food Restaurant Hessburger esse, jedoch nur gesundes Essen auf dem Tisch zuhause steht. "Man darf nicht erlauben jeden Tag Fast-Food zu essen!", sagt sie.
Today on January 13th, 2012 the ex-Vanilla girl Triinu Kivilaan, who lives in the German Switzerland now celebrates her 23rd birthday.
We wish her all the best and hope that she had a wonderful birthday.
Heute am 13. Januar 2012 feiert das Ex-Vanilla Ninja Girl Triinu Kivilaan, die jetzt in der deutschen Schweiz lebt, ihren 23. Geburstag.
Wir wünschen ihr alles beste und hoffen, dass sie einen wunderbaren Geburstag hatte.
Thanks to our partnersite Ninja Diary we are able to watch a video of Lenna talking about her role of her newest film Vuosaari [Engl.: Naked Harbour].
As the language she speaks is english so it should be easy to understand her. Even though we sum up her main parts, before she talks about her role she talks about her career from the beginning til now and how she got the role. She says that she had some problems with the Finnish language which is quite similar to her native language Estonian.
Right at the beginning of the new year, yesterday on January 4th, 2012, the former Vanilla Ninja girl, Maarja Meriste-Kivi, who is now better known as Marya Roxx, travelld from her new home Los Angeles, California to her old home Tallinn, Estonia to attend to Raadio 2's invitation to their show Siin Me Oleme[Engl.: Here We Are] where Piret and Katrin were invited to last year.
The show was introduced by her song Oh Yeah.
Maarja talked about her new home California, her album Payback Time, the songs and the music genre [you can get many information on her Facebook page you can get many information, she said she was much influenced by many rock artists like Rammstein], her daughter Dora-Liisa, Estonia and much more.
Listen to the whole show here[Beginning: 5:25 min.] .
We informed you that Lenna will participate in this year's Eesti Laul[Engl.: Estonian song], the Estonian pre-decision for the Eurovision Song Contest which will take part in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku.
She and her new guitarist, Mihkel Raud, composed the song 'Mina Jään' [Engl.: I stay] for this event.
On December 30th, 2011 she performed it firstly at the Von Krahl theatre in Tallinn and we can see the performance now all around the world. Click here to watch the video of her performance and check out the song below!
Do you like it?
Source: Elmo Küttim
Secondly we informed you about another song from Lenna's announced second album and an accompaning video.
Since yesterday you are able to watch it. With a little scene from Lenna's film Täitsa Lõpp![Engl.: Absolutely at the end]
How do you like it? Source: Filmitalgud