Piret seems to have found what she likes to do, being a reporter at ETV more precize at the show Pealtnägija (Engl.: Eyewitness).
It hasn't been usual that women are in the Pealtnägija team, so Piret talks about her job there with an ETV reporter. She says she's happy to be there and that the job is very emotional.
On Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 Lenna and her new band mate Mihkel Raud were invited to ETV's show Terevisioon.
They talked about Lenna's music and the coming concerts from October 24th on.
Click here to watch the interview and here to get tickets for the concerts.
Our partnersite Ninja Diary asked the Vanilla Ninja girl Katrin about her plans for Halloween.
Read what she said:
This year, Halloween is going to be an ordinary day for me - maybe I will eat some pumpkin pie and watch a horror movie. I don't plan on dressing up in any gowns or costumes ;)
I wish you a wonderful Halloween!
And what are your plans for the scary night? - Trick or Treat
The days are shorter, the weather is colder... Winter is coming, Lenna and the Expressions campagn are ready for the coming season...
Once again the famous and popular Estonian photographer Laura Kallasvee shooted Lenna for the popular accessoiry label Expressions which you can find in the Viru Keskus in Tallinn.
The Estonian singer Ott Lepland who recorded the beautiful Christmas song Sinuni (Engl.: Until You) together with the Vanilla Ninja girl Lenna Kuurmaa and went on tour with her last winter (Club VN informed you) released a new album called Laulan Ma Sind (Engl.: I want to sing you).
He will present it at the Rock Café Tallinn on November 4th, 2011, Lenna and her band will as well perform according to this event.
You can get tickets on the internet or in the Viru or Solaris Keskus in Tallinn it costs 8 €.
Tallinn in the evening... Back home from Afghanistan, Lenna can't stop giving concerts, because we know she loves nothing more than making music.
Yesterday on October 25th, 2011 she performed at the Estonian city theater Hobuveski together with the well-known, popular Estonian musician Mihkel Raud (composer of Lenna's song Rapunzel and Muusta Pori Näkku).
Among others they performed Mihkel Raud's old hits like Mr. Lawrence.
The evening the Vanilla Ninja girl confirmed that Robert Vaigla left the band and was replaced by Mihkel Raud. It may be a big support for Lenna and her band to have such a famous person with them.
The Vanilla Ninja girl Piret Järvis has done many different jobs since the band is taking a longer nap. Lately she has been busy as ETV reporter at Pealnägija and 2011 as we informed you.
Now Piret went back to DJ-ing.
She will perform in a restaurant in the Estonian city Tartu (address: Rüütli 8, Tartu) together with the two other Estonian DJs Painkiller and Kosmosepoiss (Engl.:Cosmoboy) on next Friday October 28, 2011.
Don't miss her!
We informed you that Lenna traveled to the southern state Afghanistan with her band to give two concerts for the Estonian soldiers there.
Today in the noonday they've arrived back home in the Estonian capital Tallinn, happy to be back.
Watch the photos of their stay on our partnersite Ninjadiary's galleries.
The Vanilla Ninja girl, Lenna Kuurmaa, is located in the southern state, Afghanistan, currently.
As she was accompanied by her bandmates, Katrin and Piret, on her last visit in 2007 she traveled alone this time.
She went there to give two concerts for the Estonian soldiers. Besides that she experiences many adventures. Today she flew the helicopter Black Hawk.
The former Vanilla Ninja bass-guitarist, Maarja, who is now better known as Marya Roxx, opened her official music store on the social network Facebook.
Check it out here, you can get her hits like '21!?, 'Blinded' and many others.
Music, TV shows, Politics - The Vanilla Ninja keyboarder, Katrin Siska (27) has already made a lots experiances in her life.
Lately she dedicated a few minutes to answer 20 questions for the Polish Vanilla Ninja fansite NINJADIARY (Club VN partnersite) in which she talks about Vanilla Ninja, her job and herself.
Read the whole interview below:
Hey Katrin, tell us how you're feeling! We're missing you and your music (Vanilla Ninja). Heey, I am feeling allright, thanks for asking:) I am working at cultural centre, studying law at the university (TTÜ) and I am involved in politics and youth organizations+projects.
We know you're busy with your work in Estonia but don't you miss music and concerts which are not in your life so much? I am organizing concerts and big music projects almost every month. So I am still doing the same thing but i am not personally on stage so much - this i miss a little bit - rockin' with band on stage!
I miss you fans as well! I am sometimes hosting on stage or in TV, but not doing music at the moment. I am having so many other interesting things to do.
Do you think you're good at what you're doing now? Yes, ofcourse :) This is why people keep me overwhelmed with work all the time, hahahaaa. Also young people are glad to get some good advice from me how to break through with their music and I co-operate with very many different people and organizations. Communication and organizing are two of main things in my everyday life. Music and culture as well ofcourse.
What is your favourite thing you used to do? Working with music in TV or the work to do with politics? All the things I have done in my life are great!
i love to:
* perform with band on stage/ doing music/ travelling
* yoga & extreme sports (kitesurf, snowboard, motorsports etc)
* do TV-shows/movies (write music, TV-show script and host, film)
* work in cultural life (organize big events and contests, advise young musicians etc)
* do politics (my goal is to improve everyday life of estonian people) - it is quite HARD work
You've promised to record an album in 2012, are you planning on keeping this promise and do you have more accurate plans? Your fans really want to know. I would love to record an album or some new songs but as Lenna is having superbusy times then it seems that we will have only a one huge concert performance next summer and that´s it.
What do you think? Will you still keep the style of your music which we knew up to this point or are you going to experiment with different styles? VN will stay the same poprock group as before. We are not going to change our style.
Are you still friends with Lenna and Piret? Ofcourse :) We are busy girls. We have much less time to meet each other (once in 2 months we see each other because we are extrabusy with our work and private life). Usually we meet when we need to talk about VN-business. In private life we have different roads - I don't see them much because they are not into surf or xtreme sports in their freetime.
We're curious what you think about your friends composions and can you tell us if you've listened to Lenna's, Maarja's and Triinu's CD's and what do you think about them? Honestly - I don't listen to that kind of music. I like different styles (numetal, house, dnb, rap, dance, electro, pop etc).
But yes, I like some songs of Lenna that I have heard on radio.
Have you been to one of Lenna's concerts? I have seen her on TV. I go usually to big concerts like 30 Seconds To Mars, Snoop Dogg, Pink, Korn, Limp Bizkit etc.
As I have very little freetime then i use it only for visitng my favourite bands.
Right now, have you found yourself a new hobby? If so, what is it? My freshest hobby is kitesurf (i have been surfing 1,5 years now). Also I loove yoga, photography, fashion, movie making and xtreme sports.
What do you do during your spare time? I spend it with my family and friends - together we are cooking, surfing, travelling, going to cinema and big concerts.
Which social networks are familiar to you? Which ones have you signed up at? FB
Do you visit fansites dedicated to Vanilla Ninja's? If so, what are they and which ones do you like the most? As I have not much time to "chill around on internet" then i visit only once in 2-5 months some estonian, german and polish VN sites.
Do you wish to clear up some rumours about you? Was there a rumour that really annoyed you? 70% of all the stories about me in yellow pages are pure rumours. So if I would like to "clear up" something here then I will need many hours to write down all the fake-stories about Katrin Siska... :))
And all the problem-stories are made up by bad people to hurt my feelings and destroy my good reputation. I don't have any problems in real life. This is happening because of jealousy and anger that other people keep in themselves. I would recommend to those bad people to do every day sports and eat healthily - believe me then come good thoughts and better ideas how to live your life HAPPILY.
You have to respect yourself and other people. It is not good for your karma to earn your money as a journalist who makes up wicked stories about celebrities... Or "friends" who spread bad rumours - they are actually very unhappy persons. They are like vampires...
Have you got any favourite designers from the fashion world like clothes, cosmetics etc? Cosmetics - Bourjois
Designers - i like to design on myself very much
Do you know any Polish celebrities? What have you heard about Poland lately? Polish president Bronisław Komorowski visited Estonia in March. Next year there will be in Estonia a huge haunt on bobcats, 40 of them will be delivered to Polish woods. Alive ofcourse. Sweet animals. I love cats and dogs and the rest of the Great Mother Nature :)Oh, OWLS i loooove!
Who inspires you the most in life? Successful people who are good in their hearts. I admire them and I take tips from their success.
Would you like to come over to Poland for a holiday? Maybe you'll visit us for the Euro 2012? I would love to discover Polish beaches with my kitesurf friends. Maybe one summer when i will have more freetime I will pass through:)
What's your favourite song right now? LCDMF take me to the mountains
What's your biggest dream? That "Good" will win "Bad" :):) There is too much of BAD in our world.
So many people are double-faced and evil.
On internet even kids are hurting other kids's feelings by telling terrible things to make others feel very bad.
Life is short. LIVE YOUR DREAMLIFE. Start today!
Katrin Siska
Huge thanks to Katrin for giving such precize and great answers and to Justyna from Ninjadiary of course to create this amazing interview! We all hope that VN's situation will be better as it seems at the moment! :)
The Vanilla Ninja girl, Lenna Kuurmaa, relessed a new song together with the Estonian actor, singer and guitarist, Märt Avandi, whom she will go on tour with and perform in 9 Estonian cities; Viimsi, Türi, Haapsalu, Mustvee, Tartu, Pärnu, Käina, Kuressaare and the European capital of culture 2011, Tallinn, in November.
On their tour Kui Vari Kaob, Siis Valgus Jääb (Engl.: When shadows go, light stays) they will perform a number of famous Estonian songs for example Tõuse Üles Ja Läheme Ära (Engl.: Get Up And Let's Leave), Sind otsides (Engl.: Looking For You), Saatus naerdes homse toob (Engl.: Laughing Is The Fate Of Tomorrow), which we already know from her very successful movie Kuhu Põgenevad Hinged (Engl.: Where Souls Go), and Tule Kui Leebe Tuul (Engl.: Come Like A Gentle Wind), which is originally sang by Henry Laks, but because of the tour the two of them wanted to have their own version of the ballad.
We hope you like the song as much as we do :) Listen to it below!