Club Vanilla Ninja was on location and had the chance to make a fan-interview, you all had the chance to join, with her.
Thanks to everyone who took part!
Read the interview below:
Club Vanilla Ninja: Can you imagine to join Vanilla Ninja again?
Marya Roxx: Well that's a difficult question, I don't know actually, they are all busy with their own projects and I'm deepened into my music, we have different music styles and I think I would keep on my own. But it's possible to record a song together.
CVN: How do you see VN at the moment and what do you think about them?
MR: I didn't have a lot of time to look what they're up to at the moment but I like their music. They're doing good jobs. I wish them all the best with that.
CVN: Did you watch Lenna's Film 'Kuhu Põgenevad Hinged'?
MR: Oh yes I really loved her style there. It was a great movie
CVN: Can you imagine to release and sing songs in Estonian?
MR: Sure! If I get such an offer I will of course agree!
CVN: How old have you been when you wrote your first song?
MR: I was like three years old. My mum played chords on the piano and I picked up the words and made a song of them.
CVN: What do you think about Triinu Kivilaan? Have you ever met her?
MR: I have never met her, but I know she's making now her own music, right? I think she's a cool girl
CVN: Why don't you like to be called Maarja?
MR: I don't have problems with that name but you know I'm now living in Los Angeles and there it would be pronounced like Maarja [English j] so Marya is easier that's why I took that type.
CVN: Do you plan to have more children?
MR: Definitely! Dora-Liisa is now six years old she likes to play with friends but she also wants to have siblings!
CVN: Would you like to represent Estonia or another country in the Eurovision Song Contest once again?
MR: As far as I've already taken part two times and already made the experiance I think that no, I won't.
CVN: Where from do you take the ideas from your top songs?
MR: Well 'Nothing Going On' is a cover, I think you don't know the original version, do you? I try to take unknown covers 'Time To Run' is also one of them, but for '21?!' for example I just write what's on my mind. I do it with all the songs I write, telling about experiances of my life...
CVN: Is it stressful for you being mother, wife and famous at once?
MR: As far as we have my parents and my husband's parents at home in L.A. it's not. They're taking good care of Dora-Liisa and we also have our friends who help us
CVN: Is there something in your life you regret and what you would like to change?
MR: No! I am happy with my life it made me who I am now and I could collect all the experiance I have now, so no
CVN: Is there a country you alwas wanted to visit (i.e. for giving a concert) but never could for some reason?
MR: I always wanted to visit Australia a lot, because they are also much into rock there and I think it would be great to give a concert there!
CVN: What do you like best about Germany?
MR [Laughs and smiles]: When I come to Germany it's as if I'd return home, you know, it's like a home far away from home and I always like being here, because I also lived here some time and also speak the language a little bit.
CVN: Do you watch the Eesti Laul or the ESC?
MR: I didn't have the time to watch them but I check out the songs on the internet. I haven't checked out the songs from this year yet but I know Piret and Lenna took part, and last year as well Piret as some kind of guitarist.
CVN: How often do you travel to Estonia and how often do you meet your ex-band-mates?

CVN: What do you miss most about the time with VN?
MR: I miss everything it was great with them.
Best thanks you for the interview Marya! And as well for the support! YOU ROCK
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